Saturday, September 08, 2007


if loving the museum is a symptom of this sickness

boogie "boo-zhee" bourgeois (or "boo-zhay"?) bully elbulli is the restaurant in Spain that is the 7th venue of Documenta arts festival in Kassel, Germany.

Pretentious? Ironic? Clever? Joke? Just another graphic on the Documenta map? 

Ich liebe es. I'm lovin' it.  Art - detail - fabric - texture - coffee - spaces - old people - social reflections - questions - more questions - a tiger cub playing with a toy snake (video) - an octopus (sculpture) - 3 dogs (sculpture) - 1 giraffe (stuffed skin) - wood - paint - 9 Scripts From A Nation At War (video installation) - 2007 - 1964 - 1989 - a Name - Another Name - Big Names - Smaller Names - Geopolitical Names - Black Ink - print - naked bodies - assemblage - montage - collage - bondage (say, "bond-ahge"?) - did you know that in Spain alone the sex economy (including but not limited to prostitution, hustling, escort services, videos, toys) generates approximately 600,000 euro a day?


A contemporary arts festival for every 5 years. Posits the idea of "contemporary" in its right, nebulous place.  14th century Islamic scripts next to 20th century multi-screen dance video from Rio next to 19th century Indian sketches (stolen? fair trade? purchasing power parity?) from the Victoria and Albert Museum.  There is nothing new, and this is the cause of massive celebration.  Every era has been almost just as prolific and promiscuous as this one is right now, or five minutes ago, or five minutes from now.  Maybe except for the 16th century Dutch masters.  Those scenes were exceptionally grotesque.

I am going to get food and a top-up for my phone and then write more about this fabulous event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

te pongo un comentario por que me da pena verte sin ninguno XD que seas feliz