Sunday, January 02, 2005

The title always comes last

In response to surprising complaint about the lack of information being disseminated about my life to demanding friends and family (I thank you: I feel loved), and in the more critical effort to systematize my meandering thought processes and occasional profundities, and after the elaborate penning of a two-thousand-word email to someone I only just met but really wanted to tell stories to (in response to which he replied, "Wow -- have you ever thought of writing a blog?"), HERE I AM. It is January 2nd, 2005 (yes, I did type "4" first) in New York City, where I have sat on Anna Uma Morgan's bed figuring out this blog stuff since the mischievious winter sun struck me awake at a cruel 8:30am. I have been staying here courtesy of Anna's two week holiday at home in Orange County, CA, investigating the dance scene and the im/probability of my moving up from Philadelphia.

It has been a rewarding week.

In every dance class, I translate the teacher's advice and admonitions on alignment, placing, or any other physical technicality into what I have learned from Jacek and Ania in Poland, and this is a comforting 'gathering together' of segmented periods of my life. This is perhaps why the only place I can understand my holistic self, where I feel whole and genuine, the only place I consider "home," is the dance studio. My compulsion to continue dancing over and above any other vocational choice is indeed that: compulsive, maybe obsessive, maybe a disorder? For this, I criticize myself, finding some poetic way of describing my travels as an "adrenalin addiction" rather than 'fess up that dancing is maybe a labor of vanity.

Tell me, what in the arts of self-expression is not the labor of vanity? As choreographer Tere O'Connor -- with whom I will take class next week because of this statement -- notes in an interview in December's Dance Europe, "Just going 177% into your personal voice is something that rocks people. No one has to do that in their life."

I want to rock people!

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